From wordless to uber brained back to self-destruction in a mere 20 to 30 thousand years

~a column by Colleen O’Brien

I do not believe that the scourge of AIDS was a god-sent punishment for being a homosexual. It was a disease that started on a different continent, came to North America as well as the rest of the world and at first affected only gay people, as far as we were informed. Those in charge, like the health industry, the government, the media, and many of us thought AIDS had nothing to do with us, so why be worried.

Then it started infecting people who had no connection to such a disease, and the government finally woke up. Had those in charge, or in the media or just plain “good” Americans behaved a little more compassionately, AIDS might not have become a scourge that took years to recognize as a disease that spread into the “innocent” population. We could have done something at the onset of the epidemic.

Humans have a tendency to be intractable – not easily managed, or directed, or governed; indisposed to be taught, disciplined or tamed; humans are inclined toward stubbornness and obstinacy

I do not believe that COVID-19 is a god-sent disease at all. I do believe it is a result of ignoring a natural spread of a contagious virus because governments wanted to blame the Chinese, ignore the rapid spread of the torture and lie to us about its danger. Mother Nature, not a god, was just doing what came naturally – spreading something that was able to flourish and kill millions

I do not believe the climate emergency is a god-sent global disaster; it’s merely  Earth finally so sick of us and the damage we’ve done, the answer being that Earth at last is moving to fix things via her best retaliations – flood, drought, fire, wave, eruption. Earth is purging a comfortable home for a certain species that does not understand that raping the  has planet ruined the nest. Earth will damage the invader species via its version of damage, and with any luck get rid of the brilliant homo sapien.

Earth does know that its other species will survive; much better than they have with us, the species with the uber ego because of its large brain and opposable thumb, because it came to be ruled by “gods” who said humans were in charge.

We’re finding that we’re not in charge, and many think it makes no difference. With our great self-adoration and gazillions of inventions, we can do anything, come up with all answers, live as we found it – with all the water we need, with rich soil that provides our sustenance, with all the words, music, and art that have sprung from our good fortune on this part of the planet.

We know a lot. However, the future is not in our ken. Preserving what we have and preparing for less of everything seems not to be what we’re doing.

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